NNPC Tournament
TENNIS SECTION EVENTS FOR THE NEXT NEWSLETTER PUBLICATION 1) Rainoil Tennis Masters (6th -11th February, 2017) The third Edition of the Rainoil Tennis Masters was held between 6th – 11th February, 2017. It was an invitational tournament meant for the best 8 male and best 8 female tennis professionals in the Country. The tournament witnessed high level performance from the players. An improved sponsorship package of over N5,000,000 served as incentive for the players. 2) Wichtech American Tennis Tournament ( Saturday 18th February, 2017) The Wichtech American Tennis Tournament took place on Saturday 18th February, 2017. The competition which was sponsored by Wichtech Industries Ltd was played in a blind doubles format were players were randomly paired. The event witnessed a large turnout with players carting away beautiful prizes with a closing dinner for everyone. In addition, 6 bar stools was donated to the Section by Wichtech Industries 3) Renovation of Courts Due to the heaviness of the rains in the recent past, the Courts had compelled an urgent renovation. The nine courts had since been satisfactorily renovated and now in good playing condition, to further meet the demands of our projected increase in the number of tournaments. 4) Mobil Tennis Championship (27th February – 4th March, 2017) Mobil Team Tennis Championship was held between (27th February – 4th March, 2017). The tournament played in a team format was keenly contested and members had a wonderful time. The competition which was sponsored by Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited saw eight teams named after mobil oil field battled for honours. They are: Erha, Edop, Usari, Uge, Yoho, Asabo, Ubit and Usan. 70 participants took part in the six-day competition in which team Mobil Erha was top, Team Mobil Edop emerged runners-up while Team Usan and Ubit were semi- finalists. Team and individual winners went home with various prizes which includes Trophies, Vouchers and Certificates. 5) Inter- Club Tennis Championship (Saturday 18th March, 2017) The Section hosted the Tennis Section of ikeja Country Club to friendly matches on Saturday 18th March, 2017. The visiting team was well entertained and treated to the exciting game of tennis. At the end of the event, Ikoyi Club 1938 lived up to expectation by becoming the overall winner of the event.